Everyone wants to make additional money without working too hard in the fast-paced world of today. A great approach to accomplishing this goal is through passive income, which enables you to make money without actively working for it. The development of chatbots and artificial intelligence has made it feasible to use these technologies to create passive revenue. This post will examine four approaches to getting passive revenue using OpenAI's ChatGPT language model.
It is a variation of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model, which is renowned for its capacity to produce text that resembles human speech in response to an input prompt. For conversational tasks like chatbots, dialogue systems, and question-answering, ChatGPT is specially made. The capacity of ChatGPT to recognize and react to context is one of its important characteristics. With a sense of coherence and continuity, it may continue a dialogue based on the prior exchanges. For companies and organizations wishing to adopt chatbots or other conversational systems, this makes them a useful tool.