Falling in love with an AI chatbot

Rowan has an affair with the new Playtech AI chatbot


———————————- TWITCH ——————————-

———————————– MERCH——————————–


——————- MORE VIDEOS ——————

Epic NPC Man:
PUBG Logic:
FPS Logic:
Souls Logic:
Music Videos:


  1. After this Rowan will literally have Alan make him a wife chat bot instead of going to therapy.

    1. @Michael Lane that or Rowan will just make his work life even worse from jealousy that Alice is with Allen and not him lol.

  2. I like how Alan has this look in all the Playtech skits where his character is clearly regretting his life choices.

    1. @Viva La Dirt League having worked it before I can 100% confirm that statement lol especially when the Christmas music starts…

    2. @Grand Admiral Zaarin Your comment made me smell the stupid pinecone from my years at Walmart. *I hate you*
      ~signed retail ptsd person πŸ˜…

    3. @Viva La Dirt League can confirm, i work in a small store, the coworkers are nice and we can work good, but its the customers, also when we just closed and ready to het out someone was just banging on the window like a lunatic, or monday morning when the police was in the store to arrest someone because this person destroyed a shop she went earlier because she didnt get her way

  3. Also:
    Alan can probably just pull the chat logs and see this whole interaction between Rowan and bot.

    1. And use it to modify a “replika” bot such that Rowan will spend the next few months in love, and not bother anyone else.

    1. @Rohan.S Nath Wow, your interpretation of his behavious pretty much fits, after you add the pieces of his puzzle together. For me the first hint about his hurtful past was the Simon says episode. There he feels disconnected from people, friendless, alone, putting up a mask for himself to cover all that up.

  4. the level of acting in this funny skit seems to surpass most shows I watch on TV. You guys are really on it. Hilarious.

  5. Your writing gets better over time. That was excellently crafted, I actually don’t think it’s very easy to make a script that works with a chat AI.

  6. So somwhow I’ve only just discovered this channel a couple weeks ago and have been binging every single dang video since, you guys are absolutely hilarious!! I’ve now gone on to NPC DND and am loving it too. Thank you guys for these fantastic sketches, I can’t stop watching them lol πŸ˜„

    1. As someone that’s been watching them for years, they’ve grown SO much. Also, make sure you watch their D&D videos with captions on, you won’t regret it.

    2. @Chris Arnold I’m about 65 episodes into D&D actually and it’s so great πŸ˜„ I zipped through all the Epic NPC Man skits in a couple days when I first found the channel and still wanted more, so I was really excited they had entire campaigns in that world too! Bob the elf has been exploding stuff left and right and the entire thing has just been hilarious so far, I’m addicted lol

    1. ​@Damian W sounds to me like you dont understand how to flirt with your own partner.

      Also flirting is a form of mild cheating, especially if the partner doesn’t know about it. If they do know, it’s a form of an open relationship

  7. The cut to Rowan’s desk so that the audience can see he is breaking down during his phone call while still in the same eminent vicinity as Alan was genius.

  8. As soon as she put the phone number in the chat I knew EXACTLY where is was going and sat there with the hugest grin on my face waiting for it to unfold. Thanks for another great one, VLDL!

  9. Suddenly, Rowan’s whole character makes sense to me, like feeling fleeting sympathy for a serial killer when you hear their abuse-filled origin story.

  10. Ngl, the wit behind how Alice’s every response can be so easily, yet convincingly, misinterpreted is just absolute gold.

    1. @Julia Mavroidi We can pretend Rowan only heard “can I interest you”, it’s a little conventionality for further dialogue development from the writers perspective, I guess.

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