7 Ethical Issues with AI That YOU Should Know About.
AI is changing how businesses work. This impacts our daily lives in more ways than you can imagine! No company wants to be involved with data or AI ethics scandals that could potentially hurt their reputation, so it's important for companies and employees alike to watch out for the ethical implications of ai on business practices.
In this video we're going take a look at some of the ethical implications of AI technology that you must be aware of.
Nice video keep them coming!
Mam I am also excited about ai to know it and making video on them may you suggest me anything
Need a robot who thinks, who have revelations, what is a robot? Is an apps which makes other apps… An application which makes other applications, a machine which makes invetions 🌿. This is the point.
حضارة الأمم تقاس بطريقتها في التعامل مع التقنية الحديثة ، في الوقت الذي نتستطيع من خلال التقنية تحسين جودة حياة البشرفي شتى المجالات ، ستجد آخر يدمر آخرين بالتقنية الحديثة في شتى المجالات . حين يشعر الحيوان بعدم الامان يتصرف بطريقه عدوانية وحين يشعر الانسان بعدم الامان يتصرف بطريقه عقلانيه.