In this video, I'm going to use my restaurant Messenger chatbot, with several modifying, that will make the chatbot smarter.
This video is made to answer the following comments:
π Ask: Hi dear, I want to create some specific keywords for my bot can you please help me? for example, if I write Salam for my bot, the bot sends me back Alikom Salam {myname}
πAnswer: using
πAsk: That link ( make it more complex for me actually I am going to train my app to interact like a human just I want to some specific things with it, like the app which you created a function for the main menu want to make a keyword if someone written: "Main menu" this text should call the main menu function is this possible on your app?
πAnswer: watch this
β¨ Source the Facebook messenger restaurant chatbot I used in this video:
This is a video for beginners to build and run an intelligent Restaurant Facebook Messenger Bot to boost Restaurant Business.
How to set up and run this bot (quick started):
How to use this bot:
Feel free to test my bots nowπ:
– A Restaurant bot (this bot):
– Super Chatbot to Boost E-commerce Business:
Test the bot:
The Facebook Page I embed this bot:
What can this bot do:
– Showing menu (lunch, dinner, pub menu), showing room
– Take a reservation, then push a notification to Telegram when the reservation is complete.
– Automatic understand a message is a datetime or a phone number (use for taking reservation)
Backend: Express framework.
Frontend: EJS view engine, Bootstrap 4, JQuery.
π§ Concepts Covered:
– Step 1: Set up a Node.js server with Express Framework.
– Step 2: Deploy a Node.js app to Heroku
– Step 3: Config Facebook webhook
– Step 4: Send basic messages: text message and attachment message
– Step 5: Add the "Get started" button and the persistent menu.
– Step 6: Get the Facebook username
– Step 7: Send a message with an image and buttons confirmed.
– Step 8: Send a message with a Facebook template.
– Step 9: Make a reservation
– Step 10: Add the "call phone number" button and push notification to a group chat on Telegram.
π Materials/References:
– Full code this project at my Github:
– Guide to deploy a Node.js app to Heroku in 3 mins:
– Config Heroku install devDependencies: heroku config:set NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false
– Top 3 errors deploy Node.js app to Heroku:
– To create your own Privacy Policy URL (free), go to :
– The fake Privacy Policy URL I use the video:
– Build a bot to push notification to Telegram:
– Facebook Webhook setup:
– Facebook App setup :
– Send a basic message (text and attachment file) :
– Facebook get Started button:
– Facebook persistent menu:
– Get Facebook username with User profile API :
– Facebook message template:
– Send a quick replies:
– Natural Language Processing with Facebook Messenger :
– Fix the Facebook Chatbot errors, only work with the Admin account (the account that creates the Facebook Page for chatbot), not others:
– Build an awesome chatbot with Node.js platform:
π Find Me Here:
Facebook Fanpage:
#facebookMessengerChatBot #restaurantBot #messengerBot