Remove old fungus with Hydrogenperoxid 3% in Nikon Nikkor Pre-Ai 200mm 1:4

In this video that is the PART 1, I will show you how I have Removed old fungus with Hydrogenperoxid 3% and lighter fluid, in my old Nikon Nikkor Pre-Ai 200mm 1:4.
It turn out to be a BIG succes with the clean lens elements, but It turned out to be a longer journey than I expeted it to be, so there will be another video of the assemble process, and how to re-grease the focus helicoid.

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In this video that is the PART 1, I will show you how I have Removed old fungus with Hydrogenperoxid 3% and lighter fluid, in my old Nikon Nikkor Pre-Ai 200mm 1:4. It turn out to be a BIG succes with the clean lens elements, but It turned out to be a longer journey than I expeted it to be, so there will be another video of the assemble process, and how to re-grease the focus helicoid.