使用ChatGPT的最佳方式?試試MacGPT!在Mac免費下載的AI助手應用程式! #shorts

🤖ChatGPT 可能大家都有在使用,但你知道MacGPT 能在Mac機上大大提升工作效率和生產力嗎? 以上是有關Mac用戶可能感興趣使用的第三方AI小助手。

下載連結 :
Instagram : andeslo911

如果您喜歡使用ChatGPT,並且手上恰巧有一台Mac,那麼您可以試試使用MacGPT這個應用程式。該應用程式免費下載(您也可以選擇贊助開發者),由外國開發人員Jordi Bruin開發,使用者可以不必打開瀏覽器,直接在選單欄中使用ChatGPT的功能。

首先,點擊進入設置選單的齒輪圖標,輸入您的OpenAI API密鑰,並開啟Mac的輔助功能權限。


最方便的是可以使用inline tab設定您想要的觸發詞和方法,這樣您就可以隨時叫出ChatGPT。例如,在其中輸入 ”/GPT“ 寫10個有關牛油果的標題,它就會生成並列出相應的內容清單。


如果您覺得它好用,歡迎在留言中分享!Follow For More!

If you like using ChatGPT and happen to have a Mac, you can try using the MacGPT app. The app is completely free (you can also choose to support the developer) and was developed by foreign developer Jordi Bruin, allowing users to use the ChatGPT function directly from the menu bar without having to open a browser.

First, click on the gear icon to enter the settings menu, enter your OpenAI API key, and enable accessibility permissions on your MAC computer.

Once you have everything set up, you can use ChatGPT on your Mac!

The most convenient feature is the inline tab, which allows you to set your desired trigger words and methods so you can call up ChatGPT at any time. For example, typing ”/GPT“ followed by 10 headlines about avocados will generate and list the corresponding content.

You can also use it to write scripts, programs, articles, and more. It‘s like having an AI assistant on your Mac!

If you find it useful, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments! Follow For More!

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